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Showing posts from 2018

Loosers zones in Radiology

Loosers zones or psuedo fractures pathognomonic for osteomalacia. However it is also seen rarely in pagets disease Fibrous dysplasia Hyperparathyroidism Renal osteodystrophy Hyperphospatasia Osteogenesis imperfecta

Types of Lung Metastasis

Mediastinal masses


kerley A lines: seen near Apex unbranched Kerley B lines: seen at the base and unbranched Kerley C lines : seen in Central and perihilar region Most common are Kerley b lines  Kerley b lines are found in pulmonary venous hypertension And in conditions causing dilated lymphatics eg: lymphangitis carcinomatosis, MS ,LVF , Interstial lung diseases. Image courtesy :

Radiocontrast media in Radiology

Delineation of soft tissue structures can be made by use of contrast media with CT scan. Iodinated contrast: 1.Ionic monomers:(high osmolar contrast) Amidotriazoate,iothalamate,iothalamate 2.ionic dimers(low osmolar contrast agent) Ioxoglate 3.non ionic monomers: iohexal,iopentol,ioxilan,iomperal,iversal,iopromide,iobitridol, 4.non ionic dimers(iso osmolar contrast agents)iotrolan,iodixanol Barium contrast agents 1.barium swallow 2.barium meal follow through 3.barium enema **In tracheo oesophagial fistula and oesophagial atresia DIANOSIL **GASTROGRAFFIN is preferred in perforation peritonitis and intestinal obstruction.

Differences between t1 weighted and t2 weighted image on MRI SCAN

Risk factors of contrast media in radiology

Prognostic factors of nueroblastoma

Paediatric one liners

All lysosomal storage diseases are autosomal recessive in transmission except Hunters disease and Fabry disease which are X linked recessive. As Hunter syndrome is X linked recessive it will only affect males.

Enzyme defeciences of amino acid metabolism and urine smell diagnosis

Inborn errors of metabolism with acidosis

Hypothalamic hamartoma

In hypothalamic hamartoma the child presents with 1.uncontrollable laughing aka gelastic seizures 2.central precocious puberty The treatment is stereotactic radiation therapy aka Gamma knife surgery.

Fragile x syndrome

Common causes of meningitis

Causes of aqueduct stenosis

Causes of bulging anterior fontanelle

Classification of cerbral palsy

Sturge weber syndrome

Algorithm on white matter dystrophies

Table for classification of Nueral tube defects

The effects of various lasers in ophthalmology